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Streamlining Business Administration: How to Free Up Time for Growth

Streamline Business Administration

I started working with a client last year because they didn’t have the right systems set in place. This client was in business for 5 years, built a team but the problem was they didn’t have systems. I get it, you own a business, you’re wearing many hats, juggling being the CEO, team management, client relations, business development and everything in between. But you and I both know when your business grows, so do the operations of the business. 

And with the many hats you’re wearing, you need to figure out a solid system that will help you manage it all without the feeling of being overwhelmed because trust me, if you don't have things in place, then yes of course things will start to fall through the cracks and no just you but everyone else is going to feel it. You don't want things left on the back burner or you don't want a team member leaving because of this. You do not want any of this hanging over your head. 

“How does this happen?”  

“How can this all work?” 

“How can I manage it all?” 

These questions you ask yourself constantly. I get it and I see you! 

The good news? Streamlining your business will give you back your time and mental clarity so that you’re able to focus on scaling your business. 

Here, we’re going to discuss what this looks like to figure out how to refine your processes, delegate effectively and leverage the right tools so that you sustain all this great growth. 

Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to Streamline Business Administration

Remember that client I mentioned earlier…… Well, she had no SOPs. She had a team, and her team were constantly asking her questions, and it was the same questions over and over. So what I ended up doing when she hired me on, I wrote all the standard operating procedures for her business. 

One of the quickest ways to streamline your business administration is by creating and implementing clear standard operating procedures. They may not look pretty but they’re meant to document the process of each task to help your team with efficiency. When the SOP is laid out in black and white, step by step, your team can implement a task by following an SOP. When everyone knows what is expected of them, it minimizes confusion and reduces time spent troubleshooting. 

Let’s say you run a small digital marketing agency. By creating SOPs for common tasks like onboarding clients, generating monthly reports, or scheduling social media posts, you free up time for your team to focus on high-impact projects. This also helps onboard new hires more efficiently since they have a clear guide to follow.

Leverage Automation Tools 

Although there may be times when I enjoy doing things in real time, it helps to have some tasks automated. It can free up by implementing automation tools. For social media, you can use a scheduling tool to schedule your posts for the next month. I do this when I use Pinterest. I will batch create everything and schedule it on Pinterest itself. Writing emails but want them out at a certain time, you can automate this, too. Whatever email tool you’re using, you can schedule those out. And do not forget to write out your Standard Operating Procedures for this task so that you can outsource. 

Outsource Tasks to Streamline Business Administration and More 

This doesn't have to be at a full-time rate but there are many tasks you can outsource. When you free up time, you can focus on other aspects of your business. This can be an employee or a contractor, whatever you feel is appropriate for your business. You can outsource just about anything such as administrative, bookkeeping, HR, customer service, team management. By working with specialists, not only are you saving time but also you can benefit from their expertise, which will help your business grow. 

Implement Project Management Tools 

When I started my business, I used Google Sheets and still at times use it but what I have found with growth, is by using a project management tool, this helps manage all the things and you can look at everything from a bird's eye view. By using a project management tool, you can communicate the tasks, set deadlines and track project progress. This is going to help streamline the workflow. Also, you want to write a Standard Operating Procedure for this! 

The project management tool I recommend is Asana. It's easy to use, free up to 10 people to invite, and you get notifications sent to your email. Also, there's a phone app if you need this along with many other amazing features that will help you and your team. 

Prioritize Regular Performance Reviews and Check-ins 

Streamlining your business is not only about systems and tools, but also about ensuring your team is on the right track. This helps you to address bottlenecks early on. Also, regular check-ins with your team is vital to their success. There are different things you can do. You can use your communication channels such as Slack or Zoom along with implementing a personal and professional development plan that will help identify gaps in skills and discuss goals. 

Engagement with your team is important not only to your team but to your business as a whole. 

Lack of engagement will have consequences you don't want to face. 

Streamline Business Administration for Growth

Of course you want to save time, but it’s not only about that. You create systems that enable long-term growth, create those SOPs, automate what you can, leverage outsourcing to experts, and use a type of project management tool. 

The key here is you continually redefine your processes so you can focus on what matters—growing your business and your team! 

Take the time to evaluate everything in your business, identify areas to improve and all of this will ensure your business, and your team thrives.   


Did you know here at You Are Rembert, this can happen for you. There are many opportunities that are offered to your team and your business. You can check out what this looks like for you and your team.

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