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Maintaining Productivity and Well-Being with Strategic Breaks

As we all know, taking time from your work is important for so many reasons especially as an entrepreneur. Although it may seem impossible, it can and needs to happen. 

You’re juggling so many things, not just your business. You may be a parent, you may have another job, you may be taking care of your parents, whatever you’re doing, you need a vacation or at least one random day of doing nothing. 

This is where effective planning comes into play so you can take a breather and not have to worry about your business and allow your mind to get a break. 

Also, this can help you prepare for unexpected events. 

As you read or listen, you’ll learn: 

  • Importance of Taking Breaks: If you’re not taking breaks, you’ll lead to burnout. It's important so that you can boost your productivity and creativity. 

  • Planning Ahead and Delegation: This can look like working ahead by informing your clients of what's going on. You can also use automation tools or delegate tasks to ensure smooth operations. 

  • Effective Communication and Emergency Preparedness: You can set up out-of-office emails and prepare for unexpected emergencies. This will give your clients an idea of what’s going on. 

Along with so much more!

3 Tips to help Entrepreneurs for Breaks 

1. Schedule Your Time Off: Mark your calendar well in advance and inform your team, clients, family, and friends. Let them know you won’t be available during this period unless it’s an emergency.

2. Prioritize Tasks: Identify high-priority tasks that must be completed before you leave. Delegate or schedule less urgent tasks for when you return. Create a detailed to-do list to avoid last-minute rushes.

3. Delegate and Automate: Use schedulers for social media content and delegate responsibilities to your team. Ensure they have all the necessary information and communicate effectively to handle tasks in your absence.

Communication is Key

Effective communication is crucial when planning a break. Set up an out-of-office email with alternative contacts for urgent matters. Inform your clients and team about your availability and ensure they are empowered to handle emergencies.

Setting Boundaries

Commit to yourself to limit or cut off work-related activities during your break. Stick to your boundaries and engage in mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques. This will help you return refreshed and ready to take your business to the next level.

Experiences from your hosts, Sara + Dana 

Dana shared her experience of taking mini breaks during the day and planning simple yet intentional activities with her kids during summer. 

Sara emphasized the importance of working ahead and delegating tasks to ensure a smooth break. Both highlighted the significance of communication and having a backup plan for emergencies.


Taking a break as an entrepreneur isn’t just about enjoying time off; it’s about ensuring your long-term productivity and well-being. By planning ahead, delegating tasks, automating processes, communicating effectively, and preparing for emergencies, you can take a break without guilt or stress. The goal is to return refreshed and ready to elevate your business.


We’re Dana Johnson and Sara Lowell hosts of Entrepreneur Encounter, a growing and thriving entrepreneur podcast dedicated to soft skills development and we’re so grateful you found us. We started this podcast to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you feel more empowered, thrive, and be fulfilled as you reach your entrepreneur goals. 

We interview experts and thought leaders so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of yourself you’ve never seen before. 

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