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Building Healthy Habits for Personal and Professional Growth

Building Healthy Habits for Personal and Professional Growth

As entrepreneurs, we often hear about the importance of work ethic, strategy, and drive, but what about the emotional and mental aspects of our journey? In our latest Entrepreneur Encounter podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Abby Mallard, a nutritionist and food relationship coach, whose journey to self-awareness and food freedom can offer valuable insights to any entrepreneur.

Abby’s story begins with a personal struggle—her battle with an eating disorder. But rather than letting it define her, she transformed her pain into purpose. Abby now helps others navigate their relationships with food, guiding them toward self-compassion and emotional wellness. Her approach is centered on self-awareness, emotional regulation, and creating positive habits—all crucial aspects that entrepreneurs can incorporate into their personal and professional lives.

The Power of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is more than just knowing your strengths and weaknesses. It’s about understanding what triggers you, how your emotions drive your behaviors, and how you can harness that knowledge to improve your decision-making.

Abby’s journey toward food freedom began when she realized that her struggles with food were rooted in unresolved emotional patterns. By becoming aware of these patterns, she learned to shift her relationship with food, which led to greater freedom and overall wellness.

Entrepreneurs can take a similar approach by recognizing the emotional triggers that affect their business decisions. Are you acting out of fear, frustration, or self-doubt? Acknowledging these feelings is the first step toward making choices aligned with your goals, not your anxieties.

Emotional Regulation: Mastering Your Triggers

Abby emphasizes the importance of emotional regulation—understanding and managing your emotions rather than letting them control you. This skill is essential for everyone, but especially for entrepreneurs who face daily pressures, uncertainties, and challenges.

Triggers, as Abby says, can become teachers. When you notice that something makes you feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed, instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back. Name the emotion you’re feeling, understand why it’s surfacing, and give yourself permission to feel it without judgment. This mindfulness practice can prevent you from making reactive decisions in your business and help you respond more thoughtfully to challenges.

Abby explains that one of her most powerful tools for emotional regulation is practicing compassion—towards herself and others. As entrepreneurs, we tend to be our own harshest critics. However, practicing self-compassion allows you to move forward without being weighed down by perfectionism or guilt.

Building Healthy Habits Through Consistency

Another cornerstone of Abby’s philosophy is habit-building. Consistency in healthy habits—whether in your personal life or business—is key to long-term success. For Abby, this meant developing a healthier relationship with food through daily practices that reinforced her goals.

For entrepreneurs, building healthy habits can range from setting aside time for self-care, ensuring consistent check-ins with your team, or sticking to a morning routine that sets you up for a productive day. It’s these small, consistent actions that compound into meaningful change over time.

Abby’s focus on food freedom also speaks to a larger theme: the importance of balance. Just as with nutrition, entrepreneurship is about finding balance between work and rest, growth and reflection. When you can identify the habits that move you closer to balance, and commit to them consistently, your business will thrive.

Food Freedom and Entrepreneurship

Food freedom isn’t just about what you eat; it’s about letting go of restrictive thinking and embracing a more holistic approach to wellness. Abby encourages her clients to view food not as something to fear, but as something that can nourish both body and soul.

Similarly, as entrepreneurs, we often fall into the trap of restrictive thinking—whether it’s limiting our potential by doubting ourselves or confining our businesses to outdated methods. Abby’s message is clear: freedom, in any form, starts with self-awareness, compassion, and a willingness to break free from what no longer serves us.

Takeaways for Entrepreneurs

  • Self-awareness is key: Understand your emotional triggers and how they influence your decisions.

  • Emotional regulation matters: Learn to manage your emotions through mindfulness and compassion.

  • Build healthy habits: Consistency in small, positive actions leads to long-term success.

  • Seek balance: Just as with food freedom, strive for balance in your personal and professional life.

Abby Mallard’s journey is a powerful reminder that emotional wellness is just as important as any business strategy. By focusing on self-awareness, emotional regulation, and healthy habits, you can unlock greater freedom—not just with food, but in all areas of life.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into your personal wellness and apply these insights to your entrepreneurial journey, tune in to this episode of Entrepreneur Encounter. Abby’s story is proof that healing and growth are always possible, no matter where you start.


We’re Dana Johnson and Sara Lowell hosts of Entrepreneur Encounter, a growing and thriving entrepreneur podcast dedicated to soft skills development and we’re so grateful you found us. We started this podcast to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you feel more empowered, thrive, and be fulfilled as you reach your entrepreneur goals. 

We interview experts and thought leaders so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of yourself you’ve never seen before. 

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